Cutie Petz, the creepy CG, unreleased, PC Game.

Hello, if your reading this, it may might you scared more than other pastas.
Today here is a story about a unreleased game I found. I was at Gamestop in 2004 for a new game. I saw some PC Games, but the one that caught my eye that I or NOBODY heard of was Cutie Petz. I talked to the clerk about it, and the clerk was scared and shit. So without nothing, i took a used Gamestop bag and put the game in it. I knew it was free.
So I went home, popped it in my PC, and installed it. Then I hit the button, cutiepetz.exe. The menu was a simple menu with a farm in the background in beutiful HD. So I went and hit the Start button, and I spawned in a bedroom of sorts. You are playing as a girl named Dory, and the game was a First Person perspective like game. The maps where 2.5D maps with Sprites of Objects (kinda like Wolfenstien) So I went through the door and I went to the outside of the house to a barn of sorts. Then a text box appeared saying "Pet the dog for earning Cuteness Points!" So I petted the dog sprite and then the game went black. I was in another map but It was Dark, and Abandoned. Then I saw a HIGH POLY bendy dude
I went through the game files, and sent them to my friend GeshBeck203Hax to analyze it. Here was his results:
"aaah. the fresh game of irony creepypasta, cutie petz, never heard of this crap before. I analyzed it and found out that the maps where .mapeo files and the sprites where .gif files. The menu was a .vbs and the creepy CG pic was a .jpeg. Finnaly I knew about the format of the bendy guy after looking in the game files. It was a .ma file format, used for Autodesk's Maya application. After looking at the data scripts, the company name that made the game was Goat Love Software, and its publisher was EA Kids, a unreleased EA Spinoff company. Then I found out the project name was called Project Satanisawesomelove, which is damn creepy. So yeah I could not find more information but thanks a branch! -GeshBeck203Hax"
So fuck, im possably doomed. So I sat down on my PC and ate a can of jelly beans while I uninstall the game. I am now back into playing other PC games, like GTA Vice City, Roblox, and Star Wars Battlefront 2.
End of story.